
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sketchbook Studies

More animal anatomy studies. Working my way through The Art of Animal Drawing by Ken Hultgren

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


More sketchbook studies. Did some pen doodles of horses. Wasn't focused on being detailed with these was trying to be more loose and gestural.

Creature Sketches

I have been doing a lot of study sketches lately and I got a little tired of that and wanted to do my own stuff. So loaded up some reference from google and began sketching creatures.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sketchbook Studies

More animal anatomy studies.

Cambodia Color Study

I have been slowing down on my art output lately and slipping back into old habits. Need to step up the momentum again. I started a color study today. I plan to start doing more studies before doing my own personal projects. Planning to spend an hour or two on doing a study piece before moving onto my own art work.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sketchbook Dump

More animal anatomy studies over the last couple of days. Plowing through The Art of Animal Drawing book my goal for my sketchbooks to finish each one of my illustration books and complete the exercises.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Jellyfish Creature Color

I really don't have a lot of confidence when it comes to coloring, mainly because there are so many elements you need to be aware of such as lighting, temperature, harmony, complements, psychology etc however its part of the job so I need to learn how to do it. I took a shot at coloring one of the jellyfish thumbnails I did yesterday in black and white. Even though its terrible I learnt how to apply color onto a grey scale image and secondly that I really need to learn the theory and mechanics of color and lighting and do some real life studies first then apply what I have learnt to my own work.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Animal Anatomy studies

Another sketchbook dump. More animal anatomy studies trying to understand the underlying structure of animals.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Horse anatomy sketches

More sketchbook work. I missed a day off sketching so made sure I didn't miss another one today. Did some more animal anatomy studies

Friday, August 9, 2013

Animal anatomy sketches

I have a ton of illustration books and I have made a commitment to go through each book from now on an study them. I want to dedicate a couple of hours each day towards doing that way i can finally go through all my illustration books. Then after doing this I can move onto working on my illustration projects.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fish pencil sketches

More sketchbook work. Sketched some fishies.

Creaturebox value studies

So I am getting back into digital painting. Here are some value mockups of some of the creatures in the creaturebox book. I am trying to get into the mindset of not endless rendering something because you can paint details forever but just render enough so that the essence of the design is clear and looks good too. I still have a long way to go but here is a start.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Creaturebox robot pen sketches

Pushing forward with my sketchbook to build my visual library. I love the robot designs in the creaturebox book so decided to sketch some. Just to repeat these aren't my own designs they are studies.

Kekai Kotaki study sketches

So was visiting Kekai Kotaki's tumblr looking at his awesome work and decided to study some of his designs. These are done using a standard blue pen. I think the art style I learning towards is a mixture of Feng Zhu, Anthony Jones and Kekai Kotaki. Kekai's tumblr is if anyone is interested.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Horse and Deer Anatomy sketches

More sketchbook work. Focused on animal anatomy today and used The Art of Animal Drawing as reference. Tried to focused on being loose and gestural rather then focusing on details as a their is no point rendering a weak foundation.

Tree Monsters Sketchbook 2

Another tree monster pencil sketch from my sketchbook. I really find realistic pencil rendering hard and time consuming but its all about learning different techniques. Had fun doing this.

Tree Monsters Sketchbook

Decided to sketch some tree monsters today. Just used a HB pencil

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sketchbook studies

More sketchbook studies. Went with the theme of helmet armor and started sketching

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sketchbook studies

More sketchbook studies. I really need to start doing some digital work soon just been doing all traditional stuff. I have been experimenting with different tradtional media, this time I used red pencil and a pigma micron for inking. I just need to say I hate inking lol I don't think its for me. I love sketching fast and loosely and taking time to try and ink precisely and cleaning really frustrates me. Regardless its all a learning process and I'm leaning different techniques so its a positive at the end of the day. These were some designs from the Creaturebox book i purchased a while back so opened that up and began drawing.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Sketchook Studies

More Stephen Silver sketch studies.

Sketchbook Studies

Did some studies from The Art of Silver book I purchased a while back. I love his exaggeration of shape and the flow of line in his designs. I don't think I have found my own art style yet so drawing reference from everything.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sketchbook Studies

Loaded up characters from the new Monsters University film and started sketching.